Many are jumping on the reels / video trend so here’s one final post (for #2024) on how to enhance your ‘on air’ persona.

Many elements contribute to how you’re perceived on camera, whether it’s live TV, podcast recording or a LinkedIn video.

These 3️⃣ technical factors can elevate your virtual presence INSTANTLY:

1️⃣ Lighting
I’m such a stickler for this one. My clients know I make it a point to ensure the lighting is always optimal – when our features are well lit, it’s so much easier for the audience to keep watching. So get additional stage/ tabletop lights to make sure you’re ‘illuminated’ in the best way.

2️⃣ Sound
Invest in a good microphone! No one can listen to a scratchy, hollow voiceover for long. You want to sound warm and engaging in your delivery and a good mic ???? (and Soundcheck) can help you do just that.

3️⃣ Posture
This one is two pronged – your posture and the chair you’re seated on when facing camera. Avoid slouching (that’s a given!), and if possible, pick a chair that doesn’t make you sink right into it. You want to channel authority even while seated so sit tall!

Try these out and let me know whether it works for you when you review your next video. ????

© Copyright Yvonne Chan