Wouldn’t it be great if your audience listens attentively and remembers you for it? ????

Not all audiences are the same, but there are ways to create ‘better chemistry’ with them and your panelists so you leave a positive impact! Here’s what works for me:

RESPOND to What You See!
Many speakers focus on content, slides, and themselves, losing the audience’s attention. A good speaker should assess the room: Are they bored or engaged? Who agrees or disagrees? Responding to their movements shows you care, creating a connection.

People bond with you, not the presentation. Personalize the presentation to get closer to the audience. Connect the content to YOUR personality, showing authenticity and improving likability.

SMILE and Enjoy Yourself!
Connecting with the audience requires them to feel liked. Show enjoyment on stage to make them feel closer to you. Once you demonstrate you are having a good time, the audience will feel included, enhancing the connection and the impact of your message ????.

#YCPublicSpeaking #ownthestage #presentationtips #beMemorable

© Copyright Yvonne Chan