How’s 2021 going for you so far?
As we say goodbye to a very challenging year for many, the effects of the pandemic are still widespread and we have to contend with many 2020 norms that are likely to stay. Yup, I’m talking about remote meetings and virtual presentations.
As online training remains in vogue in the new year, some ways to get over zoom/ teams fatigue include making the session as interactive as possible, through polls, group exercises, even competitions. I know of some companies that organise cocktail making sessions or virtual art jamming sessions to great effect.
Keeping within your stated time frame and ending slightly earlier also allows your participants or your colleagues to catch a breather before moving on to the next task/ meeting.
To do that, be sure to start on time and have a clear agenda on what you want to accomplish during your session so everyone’s on the same page. Whatever happens, do not drone on.
Schedule short breaks too. I usually plan a very short 1 to 2 minute break during training and allow my students to turn off their camera to go grab a drink, run to the loo or just check in with social media. That little breather ensures their attention span for your session is not strained for too long and it gives them a quick reset for what’s coming up next.
Wearing a flattering colour that pops also ups your onscreen presence and draws more attention to you as a host. ? So pls avoid white or black during your virtual meetings. And you guessed right. That blouse in the photo above? It’s new. New year, new top just for media training. 😀 #POPONSCREEN